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Scientific Meetings Attended and Presented

31. Lecture Series presentation in dept. seminar of chemistry at "Indian Institute of Technology, Palakkad", India, 2022


30. Invited Speaker presentation in "National Institute of Technology, Calicut", India, 2022 


29. Lecture series presentation in dept. seminar of chemistry at "Indian Institute of Technology, Goa", India, 2022


28. Oral Paper presentation at the annual conference of "American Society for Mass Spectrometry" Conference, Atlanta, USA, 2019


27. Nominated and presented for "Young Investigator Award" at the annual conference of the European Society for Endocrinology, Lyon, France, 2019


26. Oral Paper Presentation at the"5th Seoul International Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolism" conference, South Korea, 2017


25. Oral Paper Presentation in  the "International Diabetes Summit-2017", PuneIndia, 2017


24. Poster Paper Presentation in the "International Congress of Diabetes and Metabolism", South Korea, 2017


23. Oral Paper Presentation” in the "National Annual Conference of Hypertension Society of India", Kolkata, India, 2017


22. Nominated and presented for "Sun Pharma Science Scholar Awards-2017", New Delhi, India, 2017


21. Poster Paper Presentation in the "7th World Congress of Diabetes-DiabetesIndia 2017", New Delhi, 2017


20. Oral Paper Presentation in the "14th Asia Specific Federation for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine Congress", Taipei, Taiwan, 2016


19. Poster Paper Presentation in the "International Conference of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology", Seoul, South Korea, 2016 


18. Nominated and presented for the IFCC-TFYS Young Scientists Award” in the annual conference of "Association of Clinical Biochemists of India", Mangalore, India, 2016


17. Poster Paper Presentation in the "44th Annual Conference of Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India”, Lucknow, India, 2016


16. Oral Paper Presentation in the "71st Annual Conference of the Association of Physicians of India”, Hyderabad, 2016


15. Oral Paper Presentation at the institutional conference of "S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Science", Kolkata, India, 2016


14. Oral Paper Presentation at the annual conference of Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences, Kolkata, India, 2016


13. Poster Paper Presentation in "Optics Within Life Sciences Conference", TIFR Mumbai, India, 2016


12. Nominated and presented for the "SITA DEVI AWARD” at the "42nd annual conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India", Chandigarh, India, 2015


11. Poster Paper Presentation at the "International Association of Breath Research Summit", Vienna, Austria, 2015 


10. Short Paper Award Session presentation (oral) in the annual conference of "Integrated Diabetes & Endocrine Academy", Kolkata, India, 2015


9. Poster Paper Presentation in the "6th World Congress of Diabetes-DiabetesIndia", Chennai, 2015


8. Oral Paper Presentation at the 9th annual conference of "RSSDI Maharashtra Chapter", Pune, India, 2015


7. Poster Paper Presentation in "Recent Trends and Perspective in Chemistry-2015" conference, Sikkim, India, 2015


6. Oral Paper Presentation in “New Idea session" in the 29th Annual Scientific Conference of Vivekananda Institute of Medical Science, Kolkata, 2015


5. Poster Paper Presentation at the 41st annual conference of the Association of Clinical Biochemists of India, Jodhpur AIIMS, India, 2014


4. Poster Paper Presentation at the annual conference of Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India”, Lucknow, India, 2016


3. Nominated and presented at the Innovation Award Categoryof research ideas in the "Conclave of Research Society for the Study of Diabetes," Bangalore, India, 2014


2. Poster Paper Presentation in "S. N. National Centre for Basic Science", Lucknow, India, 2016


1. Oral Paper Presentation at the 3rd Annual Conference of the Integrated Diabetes & Endocrine Academy, Kolkata, India, 2014


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Chiranjit Ghosh

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